Selected Images

Photograph of a Young Woman at the Civil Rights March on Washington, DC, with a Banner. August 28, 1963. National Archives

John Lewis speaking at a meeting of American Society of Newspaper Editors, Statler Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C.

Associate Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

Ray Charles. Drawing by Anita Kunz, [1982].

National Museum of African American History and Culture

Promotional and souvenir program autographed by Marian Anderson

Hand tinted portrait of Pauline C. Cookman in uniform

Photographic print of Robert Scurlock holding a camera. Photograph by: Scurlock Studio.

Photograph of students in a science lab. Created by: Lewis Wickes Hine

“Girl in Red.” Lithograph by Robert Blackburn, [1950].
©The Robert Blackburn Trust. Used with permission.

Harriet Tubman, full-length portrait, seated in chair, facing front, probably at her home in Auburn, New York
Library of Congress

Martin Luther King press conference / [MST].

Official portrait of President Barack Obama in the Oval Office, Dec. 6, 2012. Official White House photo by Pete Souza.

Dr. Carla Hayden, 14th Librarian of Congress.
Library of Congress

Rosa Parks seated in the front of a public bus, likely a staged photograph representing the end of segregated buses and her role in the Montgomery bus boycott from 1955 to 1956
Library of Congress

Official portraits of the 1976 U.S. Supreme Court: Justice Thurgood Marshall

Portrait of Louis Armstrong, Carnegie Hall, New York, N.Y., ca. Apr. 1947

Phillis Wheatley, Poet

Susie King Taylor

Mary Church Terrell, three-quarter length portrait, seated, facing front

Interior Secretary Ickes congratulates Marian Anderson at concert. Washington, D.C., April 9. Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes, who introduced Marian Anderson at her open-air concert at the shrine of the president who freed her race from slavery, congratulating her after the concert to which an estimated 75,000 listened
Library of Congress

The Black Patti, Mme. M. Sissieretta Jones the greatest singer of her race.

Operating a hand drill at Vultee-Nashville, woman is working on a “Vengeance” dive bomber, Tennessee
Library of Congress

Unidentified African American Union soldier with a rifle and revolver in front of painted backdrop showing weapons and American flag at Benton Barracks, Saint Louis, Missouri
Library of Congress

Unidentified African American soldier in Union uniform with wife and two daughters
Library of Congress

Unidentified African American sailor in Union uniform sitting with arm resting on table.
Library of Congress

Unidentified African American soldier in Union cavalry uniform with cavalry saber in front of painted backdrop showing landscape.
Library of Congress

John Sharper
Library of Congress

Colored army teamsters, Cobb Hill, Virginia
Library of Congress

Soldiers of the 79th New York at camp.
Library of Congress

Life in Camp Cameron
Library of Congress

Young African American woman, three-quarter length portrait, facing slightly right, with hands folded on her lap
Library of Congress

Portrait of Mary McLeod Bethune
Library of Congress

Civil rights march on Washington, D.C.
Library of Congress

A slave-coffle passing the Capitol
Library of Congress

Ralph Abernathy, head-and-shoulders, at National Press Club luncheon.
Library of Congress

Map of Liberia 1845
Library of Congress

Arlington, Va. Band of 107th U.S. Colored Infantry at Fort Corcoran
Library of Congress

Bethlehem-Fairfield shipyards, Baltimore, Maryland. A drinking fountain
Library of Congress